To sign a contractual document, the signatory must first be authenticated. You have to make sure that the person is who he or she claims to be. By combining the electronic signature with FranceConnecta new step has been taken. The electronic signature process is both easier and more secure.

Lex Persona is the first French publisher to offer this option, which makes the user experience smoother and more secure. Lex Persona's electronic signature via FranceConnect meets the requirements of the "advanced" signature level of the European eIDAS regulation.

As a reminder, in France, articles 1366 and 1367 of the Civil Code establish the legal value of electronic signatures.

A look back at the FranceConnect project

FranceConnect came into being in 2016, operated by the interministerial digital department(DINUM) as part of the TECH.GOUV program. This system enables any user to connect to over 1,400 online public services . This, without creating a new identifier and relying on a verified account among public and private identity providers.


What data is exchanged?

FranceConnect's promise is to enable you to access online services with complete confidence and security. Without having to create new accounts each time, and without having to communicate personal data that isn't strictly necessary.

But just what data are we transmitting to FranceConnect?

  • Pivot identity. This includes all the information needed to identify a single person (birth name, first names, gender, date of birth and place of birth). Depending on the use, we transmit all or part of this data.
  • Additional information. This is added to the pivot identity. It is possible to access the e-mail address registered with the identity provider chosen by the user when logging in, and the user name.

Towards greater security with FranceConnect+, for an eIDAS-qualified electronic signature

FranceConnect has entered a new phase of development with the emergence of FranceConnect+. This is an even more secure system. FranceConnect+ enables users to prove their identity for more sensitive procedures, such as :

  • open a bank account or a Française des Jeux account,
  • make a training request on My Training Account,
  • apply to the Guichet Unique to change or close a business,
  • apply for government aid for energy renovation on MaPrimeRénov',
  • access Mon espace santé (the digital health record that will replace the Dossier Médical Partagé),
  • receive an electronic registered letter,
  • sign with a "qualified" electronic signature (the highest of the three security levels recognized by the EU).

And this time, to authenticate to a service, it will require double authentication.

To use it, you must first create your La Poste Digital Identity.

So, after clicking on "S'identifier avec FranceConnect+" and selecting their digital identity (L'identité Numérique La Poste or France Identité), users enter their mobile number. He then receives a notification on his smartphone to connect to his digital identity provider's application. They authenticate themselves using their access code or biometric sensor to validate the operation.

Simplify the user experience and use electronic signatures with FranceConnect

You can sign any type of document electronically by authenticating with FranceConnect. And it's very simple to use.

The signatory receives the document to be signed, validates the GCU and is directed to FranceConnect. There, he selects the identity provider he wishes to use and authenticates himself. FranceConnect then asks the signatory to confirm the identity presented, before redirecting him to the signature tool.

The Lex Enterprise electronic signature solution delegates verification of the user's identity to FranceConnect. A comparison is made between the first and last name defined by the manager in the signature solution and the first and last name returned by FranceConnect. If the identity provided by the manager differs from the identity returned by FranceConnect, the electronic signature process is interrupted and no signature certificate is generated.


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