Signature levels adapted to each type of document

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In a world where speed and security are the watchwords, the electronic signature is often the missing piece of the digital transformation puzzle. Traditional handwritten signatures are still widely used in both the private and public sectors. But while the task may seem straightforward when the number of documents at stake is limited and involves few interlocutors, it lends itself less to the context of business process digitization. 

Electronic signatures and the dematerialization of exchanges they enable offer many advantages, both for companies (and their support functions) and for private individuals. And that's without compromising on security... provided, of course, that you make the right choice between the different levels of electronic signature provided for by regulations. 

The Lex Persona solutions meet all the signature levels required by the European eIDAS regulation.

The eIDAS regulation: a legal framework for a reliable and secure electronic signature

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The European eIDAS regulation, in force since 2016, provides a framework for electronic signatures, and more broadly for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions within the internal market. It aims to establish a common standard to guarantee the security and reliability of exchanges by covering the areas of electronic identification (eID), and qualified and non-qualified trust services. The aim of this regulation is to ensure that all electronic transactions are underpinned by a solid and reliable foundation.

 How do you choose the right signature level?

Here are the different levels of electronic signature according to eIDAS :

Single-level electronic signature

Definition of a simple electronic signature

Article 3 of the eIDAS regulation defines electronic signatures, commonly known as "simple" signatures eIDAS regulation, as "data in electronic form, which are attached or which are attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which the signatory uses to sign".

Advanced electronic signature

Definition of advanced electronic signature

The advanced electronic signature uniquely identifies the signatory and offers a high level of security. This category is the most widely used in practice. Defined by article 26 of the regulation, it must meet the following requirements:

  • "To be univocally linked to the Signatory;
  • "enable the Signatory to be identified";
  • "have been created using electronic signature creation data that the Signatory can, with a high level of confidence, use under its exclusive control;
  • The signature "must be linked to the data associated with this signature in such a way that any subsequent modification of the data is detectable".

There is also a level defined specifically for public services in article 27 of the eIDAS regulation, which consists of an advanced electronic signature based on a qualified electronic signature certificate .


Qualified electronic signature

Definition of a qualified electronic signature

The qualified electronic signature represents the highest level of security. The only one to offer the same legal value as a handwritten signature, it is "created using a qualified electronic signature creation device, and is based on a qualified electronic signature certificate". According to articles 3 and 28, a qualified electronic signature certificate is defined as "an electronic signature certificate issued by a qualified trust service provider which meets the requirements set out in Annex I". 

The benefits of Lex Persona electronic signature

A solution:

White label

to enhance your identity and strengthen bonds of trust with your interlocutors.


and easy-to-use, to adapt to your organization, practices and business rules.


to offer public and private authentication modes, or local certificate support.


thanks to its powerful, free API for seamless integration with your business applications.

Easy to deploy

thanks to intuitive ergonomics that adapt to all organizational models.


with data centers located in France, 100% French service providers and an electronic signature that meets the most demanding standards, for all 3 signature levels.

An electronic signature guaranteeing the highest security and regulatory standards

At Lex Persona, as a key player in digital trust, we are committed to providing our customers and partners with solutions that meet the highest standards of security and legal compliance. This commitment is reflected in our constant pursuit of the most rigorous certifications in our field.

State-of-the-art safety


HDS (Health Data Hosting) certified to ensure maximum protection of sensitive data.

In accordance with ISO 27001, we apply best practices in information systems security.

Enhanced security with ANSSI CSPN certification, guaranteeing robust protection against digital threats.

Sovereignty and data confidentiality

Lex Persona, a French-registered and RGPD-compliant company, ensures that all data passing through our servers is hosted in France, safe from the US Cloud Act.


On Premise mode

Your documents remain within your own infrastructure, guaranteeing their sovereignty.

In SaaS mode

Although documents are hosted on our infrastructure, they retain their integrity and legal value.

 Lex Persona compliance


Our ISO 27001:2017 and HDS certifications testify to our commitment to data security.

fntc logo

We have FnTC CEV certification for the generation and verification of electronic signatures in 2D-Doc format.

Eidas logo

ETSI EN 319 411-1 LCP compliance for issuing advanced electronic signature certificates.

log Eidas

eIDAS ETSI EN 319 421 qualification for our time-stamping services, ensuring the temporal integrity of documents.

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eIDAS ETSI EN 319 411-2 QCP-n-qscd certification for issuing qualified electronic signature certificates, guaranteeing the highest level of compliance and legal recognition.

All these acronyms, numbers and opaque letters mean one thing: we're experts in the field, and recognized as such. Count on us to guide you through the implementation of our electronic signature tools and find the solutions best suited to your organization.

Lex Persona electronic signature price tag

Find out all about Lex Persona electronic signatures.

Born in the 90s, the electronic signature is both a technical and legal solution that enables individuals to express their consent and validate dematerialized documents. In more technical terms, it is a mechanism for guaranteeing the identity and integrity of the signatory of an electronic document, through the use of a reliable identification process, confirming the link between the signature and the electronic document to which it relates.💡 Three levels of electronic signature are provided for by the European eiDAS regulation, each meeting specific security requirements(go a little further down the page to understand them in detail).

Legally regulated in Europe by the eIDAS regulation and in France by its transcription in articles 1366 and 1367 of the Civil Code, the electronic signature is part of a precise legal procedure. Within this legal framework, the electronic signature guarantees authentication of the signatory's identity, tangible proof of his or her consent (principle of non-repudiation), and guarantees the integrity of the signed document, ensuring that its content remains unchanged over time and across exchanges.

Finally, for an electronic signature to be legally valid, it must come from solutions provided by trusted service providers. The latter undergo regular audits to ensure that their solutions comply with European regulations.

  • Save time and increase efficiency: with electronic signatures and the tools to implement them, documents can be signed almost instantaneously, regardless of where the parties involved are located. This eliminates mailing and travel delays, considerably speeding up transactions and administrative procedures.
  • Enhanced security: Electronic signatures offer a higher level of security than handwritten signatures. It guarantees the integrity of the signed document and the authenticity of the signature, thanks to advanced encryption and authentication technologies.
  • Cost reduction: dematerializing signature processes reduces the costs associated with printing, shipping and storing paper documents, contributing to substantial savings for companies.
  • Compliance and legal validity: When it complies with the framework provided by the various regulations (such as the eIDAS regulation in Europe, for example), the electronic signature is legally recognized and can be used in a multitude of legal contexts, offering peace of mind as to its legal value and implementation.
  • Accessibility and simplicity: electronic signatures can be easily implemented via a variety of platforms, designed to integrate with your organization and be easily adopted by your employees and customers.
  • Digital sobriety: fewer e-mails with attachments, less printing, fewer scans... The electronic signature reduces dependence on paper and is in line with the sustainability and ecological responsibility objectives of modern businesses.

In short, companies adopting electronic signatures benefit from a faster decision chain and a better user experience, giving them an edge over their competitors.

The use of an electronic signature consists, for a manager, in having one or more documents signed by one or more signatories. The Lex Entreprise solution requires the manager to have prior knowledge of the people who will be signing the document(s). This identification will always consist of providing at least the following information:

  • The first name and surname of the Signatory, which will be used to compose the Certificate (in the case of a signature involving the generation of a Certificate on the fly), or to characterize the simple signature, and in all cases for the constitution of the Proof File;
  • The Signatory's e-mail address, which will be used to send the invitation to sign to the Signatory.

All the information provided is therefore data that may be used in whole or in part by Lex Enterprise, during the consent process carried out by the Signatory, in order to authenticate the latter with a view to generating a Certificate and electronically signing the documents to be signed.

Whether the signatory is an employee or a customer, he or she can sign the document directly from the business application or your website, simply by following the indicated path (easy and intuitive, whatever the security level of the electronic signature required).

In today's context, where dematerialization and the goal of "zero paper" are increasingly prevalent, the electronic signature is becoming a key element. Within companies, it plays an essential complementary role in electronic document management (EDM), integrated management information systems (ERP) and human resources information systems (HRIS), among others. It is also a pillar in the digitization of public procurement processes.

To implement electronic signatures effectively, it's crucial to rely on a specialized solution provided by a trusted service provider (us, for example!).

To maximize the benefits of electronic signatures, seamless integration with existing applications and business processes is essential. Lex Persona offers you this seamless integration through connectors and a highly secure API.

It's important to emphasize that the adoption of electronic signatures meets three challenges (functional, legal and technological) and should not be taken lightly. Our solution stands out for its ease of use and intuitive ergonomics. However, effective change management is essential for a smooth transition.

Download the white paper

Key regulations for electronic signatures include the eIDAS regulation in Europe and corresponding national laws in other jurisdictions; in France, it's article 1367 of the Civil Code that provides the framework for electronic signatures.

The eIDAS regulation defines three levels of electronic signature: simple, advanced and qualified, each with its own requirements in terms of authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation.

It is therefore essential to choose an electronic signature solution that complies with these regulations, to guarantee the legal validity of signed documents in line with their requirements.

The main difference between these three types of electronic signature lies in the level of security and compliance with legal requirements relating to certain processes or documents. The simple electronic signature offers the basic level, used for low-risk transactions requiring no formal identification of the signatory. The advanced electronic signature provides a higher level of security, linking the signature more closely to the identity of the signatory and ensuring document integrity. Finally, the qualified electronic signature represents the highest level of security and compliance. It is based on a qualified certificate and a secure signature creation device, offering a legal presumption of integrity and authenticity.

Electronic signatures can be adapted to different needs, depending on the company's sector of activity, the business concerned, and the financial and regulatory stakes attached to the documents concerned.

While it ensures authentication of the signatory and non-alteration of the document, its legal validity varies according to the level of signature selected. To select the appropriate level of electronic signature, it is important to consider several aspects:

  • The scope of the document: is it intended for internal, external, national, European or international use?
  • The nature of the document: is it a private contract, an administrative decision, or some other type?
  • Regulatory constraints associated with the document.
  • The document's potential for conflict and the possible consequences of such conflict.

In other words:

  • The simple electronic signature is suitable for any document with low regulatory constraints and low financial stakes;
  • The advanced electronic signature is ideal for documents with moderate regulatory constraints and financial implications (employment contracts, expense claims, etc.);
  • Qualified electronic signatures are ideal for documents with high regulatory and financial implications (notarial deeds, invoices, etc.).

The electronic signature must guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the signed document. This means it can be verified that the signed document has not been altered since it was signed, and that the signature was actually performed by the signatory.

To sign electronically, the signatory needs a signature certificate, containing different identity information depending on the level of electronic signature. This signature certificate is signed by a Certification Authority, whose signature guarantees its integrity and authenticity. The authenticity of an electronic signature can be verified using validation tools integrated into most electronic signature software. These tools compare the signature data with the information on the signatory's digital certificate to confirm his or her identity, using a variety of methods ranging from "simple" verification (i.e. checking that the identity information matches) to more complex checks based on asymmetrical encryption methods.

The choice of electronic signature certificate depends on the level of security required and the legal context. For routine transactions, a simple or advanced electronic signature may suffice. For documents requiring maximum security and legal compliance, opt for a qualified electronic signature certificate. Service providers like Lex Persona can help you choose the right certificate for your specific needs, ensuring the compliance and security of your electronically signed documents.

The validity of electronic signatures depends on the legislation of each country. In the European Union, thanks to the eIDAS regulation, electronic signatures are legally recognized in all member states. Outside the EU, however, legal recognition varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some countries have similar laws recognizing electronic signatures, while others may have specific requirements or restrictions. It is therefore advisable to find out about the legislation in force in the country concerned before proceeding with an electronic signature for international transactions.

Ours, of course. On a more serious note, and to advise you objectively, we recommend that you define and check these key points when choosing an electronic signature solution:

  • Determine your company's specific needs, such as document types and the level of security required.
  • Check the certifications of the trusted service provider to judge its reliability.
  • Make sure the tool is compatible with your existing information system and processes; Lex Entreprise offers easy integration via a free API.
  • Choose a user-friendly, secure solution like Lex Entreprise, which offers different levels of security without the need for multiple tools.
  • Opt for a customizable tool, to ensure a good user experience, and therefore good adoption.
  • Compare prices, taking into account flexible offers based on the volume of documents signed, like our pricing tailored to the needs of each company.

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