The ADP Group looks back at the dematerialization of its administrative processes. Since 2011, electronic signatures have been used to accelerate its processes.

"The ADP Group's teams are unanimous in their support for electronic signatures, thanks in particular to the various functionalities they encompass, such as document traceability,authentication and security. The electronic signature is an integral part of the company' s EDM, making it possible to simplify and almost completely shorten document signature times. Thanks to electronic signatures, the ADP Group has been able to increase efficiency, improve collaboration between its various departments and modernize its administrative management", explains Dominique Etourneau, Purchasing Director of the ADP Group, regarding Lex Persona's electronic signature.


On the road to electronic signatures

"We have embarked on an end-to-end dematerialization project. From the call for applications to the issuing of orders and even the payment of invoices. And we chose the Lex Persona solution for electronic signatures," confides Dominique Etourneau.

He adds that the move to dematerialization within the Group has been a step-by-step process. But as far as the electronic signature is concerned, everything was completed in 3 months. Theintegration of electronic signatures was indeed a major change within the ADP Group.

"We were all convinced of the benefits of electronic signatures for business. This has enabled us to systematize the electronic signature: it's no longer an option!"


Immediately measurable ROI

The handwritten signature of various documents, such as invoices or commercial agreements, has always been a time-consuming process. And therefore very restrictive for the Group. By switching from paper to digital, management is much simpler. Departments no longer need to print, sign and scan the same document.

"Signing a contract used to take an average of 2-3 weeks, whereas today it's done immediately. This means that suppliers can receive their orders immediately, whereas they used to have to wait 3 weeks.

Faster, simpler and above all more ergonomic, the electronic signature has boosted the group's productivity and drastically reduced waiting times.

"It's a tool that satisfies the needs of buyers, specifiers and suppliers alike, since after a year of use, 90% of our contracts have been signed electronically, which represents around 700 contracts for some 500 suppliers".


Traceability of validations and signatures

Electronic signatures enhance document security and confidence.

"It's a system that allows us to guarantee traceability and a certain security in all our transactions," continues the Purchasing Manager.

This last point is particularly important in an environment such as ours. We have archiving obligations. So, once they have been signed electronically, all documents are placed in an electronic archiving system.

Ultimately, whether via smartphone, tablet or computer, signatures can be made anywhere and at any time, protected by a highly secure system. This greatly facilitates commercial, HR and administrative exchanges.


This article is an extract from our white paper on electronic signatures and their integration.

👉 Download the white paper.