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Theeducation sector has undergone a profound transformation in recent years. In response both to students' expectations and to companies' productivity imperatives.
A renowned training establishment, Y SCHOOLS decided over 5 years ago to implement a far-reaching digital transformation strategy. From the complete dematerialization of its learning paths to the electronic signature of all its contracts.
Michaël Noblot, Executive Vice President, Resources and Transition at Y SCHOOLS, shares his experience with us in this interview.
Digital transformation at the heart of Y SCHOOLS' corporate strategy
The Y SCHOOLS training ecosystem has undergone a profound transformation in recent years. It has progressively dematerialized all its business processes in order to gain in agility, performance and efficiency.
" Our primary aim is to eliminate time-consuming tasks with little added value. This lightens the administrative burden for all our employees, students, lecturers, etc. " explains Michaël Noblot.
The electronic signature, an essential cog in this transformation
Although the dematerialization process had been completed in full, Y SCHOOLS soon realized that a key piece of the puzzle was missing.
Indeed, even if the generation of contracts were fully automated, they were still signed by hand. Publishers had to print them out and send them by post, while signatories had to receive them and return them signed.
All these tedious, paper- and postage-intensive tasks undoubtedly lead to a break in the process, and considerably lengthen the time it takes to sign contracts.
" We quickly realized that we were missing a step. So we decided to turn to an electronic signature solution to fill the gap," continues Michaël Noblot.
Y SCHOOLS chooses Lex Persona to electronically sign all its contracts
With this in mind, the Y SCHOOLS training ecosystem set itself the task of identifying an electronic signature solution. It had to be reliable, secure and, above all easy to integrate with ERP software. The company turned to Lex Persona, and in just a few days integrated the Lex Enterprise solution into its information system. Adoption was immediate, and the virtuous circle was profitable for all concerned.
" Our employees adopted electronic signatures instantly .
They quickly realized the productivity gains they were enjoying, and it would be impossible for them to go back. As for the signatories, they are very grateful to us because they can sign in just a few clicks. They no longer have to go to the office to return their signed contract," adds Michaël Noblot.
For almost 2 years now, Y SCHOOLS has been signing most of its contracts electronically (employment and lecturer contracts, general training conditions, internship agreements, diploma supplements, etc.). That's 4,000 documents a year.
Since September 2023, 100% of its administrative processes have been electronically signed. Since then, the entire student file has been electronically signed, representing 6,000 documents per year.
Integrating the Lex Enterprise solution into its information system has had a number of positive effects for Y SCHOOLS.
"In addition to the acceleration of signature processes that we have naturally benefited from thanks to electronic signatures, we have also offered our signatories a seamless user experience .
This enables them to sign instantly at any time of day. Finally, the automation of document archiving has enabled us to considerably reduce the risk of document loss. This makes the process more secure," adds Michaël Noblot.