In 2012, Coffreo, which offers a platform for digitalizing relations with temporary workers, decided to integrate an electronic signature solution into its own tool for contract signing.

The company chose Lex Enterprise for this purpose. Both for the ease ofintegration offered by the solution, and for the possibility of implementing a personal electronic signature with a certificate issued in the name of each employee.

With no fewer than 30 million electronic documents stored, Coffreo is a major player in the digital transformation of employment agencies and companies. Using temporary work and short-term contracts.

This success is reflected in the signature rate for assignment contracts. Coffreo's customers have an average signature rate of 93%. This compares with an average of 20-60% for players using a paper-based process.


The choice of a high-performance, fully integrated solution for contract signing

Integrating electronic signatures into its processes was an obvious choice for Coffreo. Its 2 million users need to sign their employment contracts quickly and easily. The choice of Lex Persona was a natural one, guided by 4 main aspects:

➔ Technological control;
➔ The possibility of implementing a personal electronic signature with on-the-fly issuance of a certificate in the name of each employee ;
➔ Simple integration into Coffreo sites and applications;
➔ The understanding of the company's challenges.

"What's important in an e-signature project is that it's integrated into a more global workflow designed to offer the best possible user experience. Our aim was to simplify processes and bring flexibility and security to the employers we work with. The integration of Lex Persona has made a major contribution to this. " Philippe Gasull, Account Manager at Coffreo


A fast, fluid user experience

In practice, thanks to the deployment of the Lex Persona electronic signature within Coffreo tools, exchanges are carried out quickly, efficiently and without interruption. Each temporary worker receives his contract for signature directly in his digital safe, reads it and ticks a box. Anauthentication code is then sent by SMS tointegrate the electronic signature. Coffreo then receives PDFs of the contracts and additional information to identify each signatory.

" At this point, an exchange takes place between Coffreo and Lex Persona, and information such as the identity of the signatory is transmitted to Lex Persona. This enables the electronic signature to be integrated with a personal electronic certificate .Each document is then integrated into a safe, where all parties have access to an archiving system for evidentiary purposes, incorporating electronic signatures." Philippe Gasull, Account Manager at Coffreo


Benefits for employers and employees alike

In addition to being particularly simple, this system offers numerous advantages, both for workers and for Coffreo's employer clients. A temporary employment agency issuing 200 contracts a month sees an average time saving of 52 days a year for its consultants. This represents a significant productivity gain, enabling them to devote their time to much higher value-added tasks.

" Our solution reduces the hassle for our customers, and enables them to gain in both simplicity and security when signing contracts. There is no objective reason why an employee should not be in favor of theprinciple of electronically signing his or her employment contract or pay slip. " Philippe Gasull, Account Manager at Coffreo


Coffreo provides a video testimonial and details of this use case:


👉 For more information, download our white paper: " Electronic signatures and their integration: the keys to success ".